Sashay to the Polls

Are you ready to Drag Out The Vote this election? We got all the tools you need to strut to the polls with confidence.

Drag Out The Vote 2024 Voter Pledge

“I pledge to check my voter registration, to educate myself about the candidates and any ballot initiatives that may be on my ballot, and to sashay to the polls - whether it's to mail in my ballot, request an absentee, vote early, or vote on election day. Most of all, I pledge to drag out the vote by texting three friends or family members and checking to see if they are registered and have a plan to vote!”

Voter ID

Drag Out The Vote is partnering with our friends at VoteRiders to make sure you have what you need to Sashay to the Polls this November!

VoteRiders is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their freedom to vote. VoteRiders informs and helps citizens to secure their Voter ID.

Need assistance getting your Voter ID? Sign up below!

Voter Tools